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1. Provide Content to YouTube's Epic Music Community
Champion Vision
Champion Sound

Who We Are
Music For the Imaginative

Your Ideas Matter

Powerful, Dramatic Sounds​

​CDM aims to take a visual approach to music, from the story all the way down to the frequency spectrum.
CDM's business model places the art and story telling process above all else because we believe in the power and potential behind the ideas of everyday individuals over the power of a formula.
Geared toward cranking out trailer music albums for the passionate fans of epic music.
Curious how it works?
What We Do
1. Provide Content to YouTube's Epic Music Community
The "epic music community" is a collection of YouTube channels specializing in promotion of epic trailer music and orchestral hybrid production music. It consists largely of the Trailer Music World network, a collaboration of 26 different promoters (and climbing) scattered across Europe, and ranging all the way from amateur playlisters who may simply be hardcore music fans, to professional curators who may be composers themselves. This global force attracts a niche audience of gamers, movie fans, illustrators, novelists, poets, and even free-runners and body builders, by the hundreds of thousands. Occasionally, a portion of these subscribers convert into composers of epic music and Champion Dreamer Music represents a part of that group.
Click below to learn more about the epic music community on YouTube.
2. Inspire the World's Creators to Keep Going

The entertainment industry itself represents such a small fraction of all the creativity that exists on our network today. Without a platform of success stories against the challenges we all face, who is going to hold them accountable to doing something with their truly incredible ideas?
That's where we come in. Our content is designed to impact the independent community in a manner that results in more finished projects. In addition to providing the network new content, our releases, videos, and especially our blogs are dual-purposed. Our hope is to eventually inspire you as an indie the way the network once did for us. It doesn't matter whether you are a student in your 3rd year struggling to see a future, or a family member fighting depression; life beats us to the ground in plenty of ways. Whatever your storytelling passion is, be it illustration, sound, film, or writing, this is the place to find the soft skills you need to turn all those dreams into something and champion a new identity. Our projects are often the products of our crucibles and our very journey through life itself, but for the majority of us, this reality gets put on the back burner.
At CDM, we believe that your individual voice, unfiltered by the noise of impinging thoughts and social constructs, holds the key to the network's very survival. It is only your voice, and no other combination of people or machines can comprehensibly duplicate it. Our hope is that you as an indie will begin to prioritize the nature of your end products themselves, through a well-executed vision, over the number of plays, likes, or revenue that you get. The alternative is to shortchange not only yourself but the entire world by compromising on your original vision. Instead, let's see your vision through to the very end and do what it takes to get there. Even if we fail, there's always a chance to reiterate. In filmmaking especially, where plans usually have to change, that is what it's all about. By shifting indie mentality together, we can help to build a world of far less artistic waste in an age of a homogenized industry.
Daydreamers everywhere are counting on you. Go get your projects done! Despite what everyone else is telling you, they actually matter.

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