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What Is Astrorobics?
​In my hometown, my friends and fam know me as Astrorobics. Astrorobics was the goofy skater boy who could make beats and remix worship tunes on his Roland Juno-G. His idea was to have a spacey logo with a retro star surfing character that could never stop going, kind of like the energizer bunny.


In the very early days, Astrorobics aspired to be like Daft Punk, as a jazz funk electronic duo with Thomas Pearson along for the ride (shout out for the good performances back in the day). Together with their quad-synthesizer stage setup including saxophone and whatever else they could get their hands on, Astrorobics is forever the brand name for funky techno and quirky retro space pop.

Fast forward to now. So why did I change my stage name you’re wondering? Well because I’m switching genres once again. That’s the short answer anyway. What’s nice about music for film and games is that, technically, it can be every genre, which is good for me! One day I just realized that all these years, all I ever wanted to do was use some things about music that have never changed in hundreds of years, like the power of the orchestra, to tell stories. And not just that - stories of untold wonder that make the best parts of each culture from around the world shine with their unique sounds, sprinkled on top with a touch of modern.
I still enjoy making pure electronica, house, or techno on occasion. Astrorobics feeds the inspiration for the icing on the film score cake. Follow content from my subgenres at soundcloud.com/astrorobics.
- Zach Bjorklund